Bushfire Protection Australia
Creating Safety through Bushfire Planning and Design throughout Western Australia
Bushfire Protection Australia (BPA) is a Level 2 accredited Bushfire Risk Management and Assessment company based in Western Australia that provides state-wide Bushfire Planning and Design Services.
Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) Assessment
BAL assessments for owner builders, prospective property purchasers and builders provided state wide.
Bushfire Management Plans
Supporting documentation for subdivision and development applications for domestic, commercial and government clientele.
BAL Contour Mapping
(Bushfire Attack Level Contour) Mapping services for future lot layout or development to reduce construction costs and increase lot number viability.
Pre-Purchase Bushfire Planning
A Pre-Purchase BAL Assessment as part of the conditions of sale can protect you.
Fuel Load Mapping
Mapping of existing fuel loads and reduction planning.
Building Compliance
Certification of compliance to AS3959 and Bushfire Planning policies.
Mitigation strategies & Planning
Implementing and maintaining Bushfire Mitigation Strategies.
Bushfire Escape Plans
Escape routes, entry and egress points, evacuation areas.
High Risk and Vulnerable Land Use Applications
Bushfire Risk Planning for schools and child care services, critical infrastructure, fuel storage depots and stations, local and State Government agencies.
Bushfire Protection Australia caters for private, commercial, industrial and government clients from individual home projects to large scale subdivisions and vulnerable land uses.
We are Level 2 BPAD (Bushfire Planning & Design) trained and accredited to ensure exacting application of the relevant standards and to attain the best outcome for our clients.