BAL Contour Maps

Bushfire Protection Australia provides BAL Contour Maps throughout Western Australia.

Bushfire Attack Level Contour Maps show the varying Bushfire Attack Levels throughout a site and are used extensively for early planning of subdivisions or further development.

A BAL Contour Map created during the early stages of subdivision planning can negate the need for individual BAL Assessments for each lot and reduce the overall cost of meeting the Bushfire Criteria. A BAL Contour Map is a scale map of the subject lot/s illustrating the potential radiant heat impacts and associated indicative BAL ratings in reference to any classified vegetation remaining within 100 metres of the assessment area after the development is complete. The intent of a BAL Contour Map is to identify land suitable for development based on the indicative BAL rating.

The maps can consider vegetation that will be removed during subdivision and will identify the best layout for the lots to ensure lower BAL ratings and at the same time allow for retention of as much natural vegetation as possible.

BPA provides GPS accurate maps in accordance with AS3959 and the Bushfire Guidelines V1.4 to ensure accuracy and ease of use.